Friday, December 08, 2006

A Secret Society?

I was reading the article, “The Eye in the Pyramid ”, by Brother S. Brent Morris, P.M. that started out by stating,

“Historians must be cautious about many well-known “facts.” George Washington chopped down a cherry tree when a boy and confessed the deed to his father. Abner Doubleday invented the game of baseball. Freemasons inserted some of their emblems (chief among them the eye in the pyramid) into the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States. These historical “facts” are widely popular, commonly accepted, and equally false.”

Then I read in James Barron’s article entitled “A Secret Society, Spilling a Few Secrets,” he states in what to me, seems an accusatory manner,

“For more than two centuries, the Freemasons and their grandiose rituals have played a secretive, mysterious role in American life. One of the Masons' symbols looks a lot like the all-seeing eye on the back of every $1 bill. And look whose picture is on the other side.”

If Masons put Masons pictures and Masonic symbols on the money that every citizen in the country handles every day, they aren’t being very secretive are they? If Masons include a Masonic symbol in the street design of the Washington, D.C., they aren’t being very secretive are they?

Yes, the intersections of Massachusetts Ave., Road Island Ave., Connecticut Ave., Vermont Ave. and K Street NW form a five pointed star. It is also true that many of the city’s architects in the nineteenth and early twentieth century were freemasons. From these two facts, and a vivid imagination, many writers have concluded that the city was intentionally planned to promote an occult agenda.

In the first place, the pentagram or five pointed star has never been associated with the Masonic Lodge. And yes, the female organization for relatives of Masons, the Order Of The Eastern Star, uses the five pointed star as their symbol. However, the Eastern Star was founded by Dr. Robert Morris in 1849/50 and the street plan for Washington, D.C. had been designed 60 years earlier in 1791. So, it should be obvious, even to anti-Masons, that the street plan of Washington, D.C. has no connection to the Freemasons.

George Washington, a Freemason, did commission Pierre Charles L'Enfant and approved the street plan drawn up by Andrew Ellicott and Benjamin Bannaker who were not freemasons. And, contrarily to anti-Mason claims, there is no indication that Charles L'Enfant was a Freemason and in his obituary, published in the June 25, 1825 edition of the National Intelligencer there was no mention that he was a freemason. Actually. although L'Enfant was hired by George Washington most of his relationship with the goverment went through Thomas Jefferson who drew the original street plan that L'Enfant and company worked from to draw the street plan.

OK, so George Washington was a Freemason and his picture is on the dollar bill. He was probably the foremost leader in gaining independence from England and forming the United States of America that we have now. He was the General who led the Continental Army to defeat the British and win independence for the new country. He turned down the offer to crown him as the King for life and instead served an elected term as the first President.

Doesn’t it stand to reason that the country he helped bring into existence would want to honor him in many ways for his accomplishments? But if you think having a Freemason’s picture on a dollar bill is such a bad thing, Abraham Lincoln’s picture is on the $5.00 bill and Alexander Hamilton’s picture is on the $10 dollar bill and neither of them were Freemasons. Maybe two non-Masons on commonly used bills will cancel out the Masonic influence of George Washington having his image on the dollar bill.

Does that theory sound ridiculous? Of course it does and so does the idea that Washington’s picture being on the dollar bill means that the United States is being run by the Freemasons. George Washington’s life and his writings are ample proof that he was a Christian, so why wouldn’t the United States have been formed by Christians rather then Freemasons.

Regarding the eye in the triangle above the pyramid, the words are the Latin words "Annuit Coeptis." This translates to "He has favored our undertakings." This line is associated with the "Eye of Providence" which has absolutely nothing to do with Freemasonry.

The first known use of an “All Seeing Eye” or “Eye Of Providence” as it is also called, can be traced back to Egyptian mythology and the Eye of Horus. In the 17th-century the Eye of Providence is sometimes shown surrounded by clouds. The later addition of an enclosing triangle is usually seen as a more explicit Trinitarian reference to the God of Christianity.

Could it be that the eye in a triangle on the dollar bill is the Christian symbol rather than a Masonic one? After all, almost all members of the new government were Christians and only a few were Masons. What a blow to the Christian Masonic conspiracy advocates.

The Vietnamese religion Cao Dai, as well as a number of other churches, uses the Eye of Providence (specifically, the left eye) within a triangle is used to represent God. According to some UFO witnesses, there have been several sightings of Men in Black wearing a symbol resembling the Eye in the Pyramid. It was also used as a symbol on Ukrainian 500 Hryvnia bill. In The Lord of the Rings, Sauron is described as having an all-seeing eye.

On Independence Day in 1776 three men, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams, along with Pierre Eugene du Simitière as a consultant and artist were formed as a committee to create a great seal for the new government of the United States of America. Only Benjamin Franklin of these four men was a Mason, and he contributed nothing of a Masonic nature to the committee’s proposed design for a seal. Du Simitière, the committee’s consultant and a non-Mason, contributed the ideas of using the shield, the slogan, E Pluribus Unum, the date, MDCCLXXVI, and the eye of providence in a triangle (a Christian symbol).

The Eye on the great seal is positioned above an unfinished pyramid with thirteen steps, representing the original thirteen states and the future growth of the country. The combined implication is that the Eye, or God, favors the prosperity of the United States which has nothing to do with Freemasonry. The first Masonic reference to the Eye of Providence is in “The Freemasons Monitor” by Thomas Smith Webb, published in 1797, some 30 years after the Great Seal was designed and the Masonic use of the Eye has never incorporated a pyramid.

So much for Freemasonry and secret Masonic symbols having an influence on the present form of the United States government.

I would have to close with the thought that if Masonic plan is to rule the government, their plan must be one of the biggest failures in history. After all they have had 230 years to do it.


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